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Abbreviation: Kem. Ind. ISSN: 0022-9830 EISSN: 1334-9090 https://doi.org/10.15255/KUI UDK: 66:54(05) CODEN: KJUIAR Frequency: 12 |
KEMIJA U INDUSTRIJI (KUI, "Chemistry in Industry") is an international scientific journal that publishes scientific and professional papers from the field of chemistry and chemical engineering, and particularly nurtures the Croatian chemical and chemical-engineering nomenclature and terminology. Criteria for acceptance of papers include originality of the work, its quality, as well as clarity and conciseness of the writing. Publisher of the journal is Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers.
KUI is the official journal of Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers (CSCE) and of Croatian Chemical Society (CCS). In addition to scientific and professional papers, journal publishes opinions, commentaries, reviews and information from practice (for details see Instruction for Authors), and contributions under permanent or periodical columns, for example: Industrial and Market News, Technological Notices, Environment Protection, News and Notes, Calendar of Events (Congresses, Symposiums, Exhibitions), Book Reviews, Literature Service, Development of Chemical Industry, Chemical Education, etc.
Journal international abbreviation: Kem. Ind.
The publishing of the journal is sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth of Republic of Croatia and partly by other business corporations (http://silverstripe.fkit.hr/kui/supported-by).
Journal is cited in Web of Science, and many other databases. For more information on journal metric values, please visit the following link: Metric values.
Photocopies of the articles are available through The Genuine Article delivery program of the Institute for Scientific Information, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA.
Journal is been published for more than 70 years continually and from the very beginning it is a journal of chemists and chemical engineers. It was founded in 1952 following the previous bulletin “Pregled tehničke literature i dokumentacije” (Technical Literature and Documentation Review) from 1951 which became a part of the journal, under the same title.
Prof. Šime Ukić, Editor-in-Chief
Assoc. Prof. Dajana Kučić Grgić, Editor-in-Chief
Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Trg Marka Marulića 19, HR-10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: kui-editor@hdki.hr
Zdenko Blažeković, M.Sc.
Administrative Secretary
Graphic and Technical Editor
Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers
Editorial Office
Kemija u industriji (Chemistry in industry)
Berislaviceva 6/I, room 22
10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Phone/Fax: +385 1 4872 490
E-mail: kui@hdki.hr