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Published: Kem. Ind. 54 (3) (2005) 135–141
Paper reference number: KUI-08/2004
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Aroma Profile of Strawberry Juice Cocktail Produced in Industrial Conditions

D. Komes, K. Kovačević Ganić, B. Ćosić and T. Lovrić


The influence of different production methods of semi-products and final products on the aroma of juice cocktail from mixed fruits (strawberries, apples and grapes) in the conditions of industrial production was investigated in this study. Strawberry puree in frozen blocks or preserved by aseptical processing, apple puree in frozen blocks and apple and grape concentrates were used as raw materials for the production of juice cocktail. Manual headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) containing coated fibre (100 μm) coupled with gas chromatography (GC-FID and GC-MS) was used for the analysis of the aroma compounds. Based on the analysis of the volatile compounds and sensory evaluation of the juices, the obtained result was showed that juice cocktail made from frozen puree was of better quality than the ones produced from the aseptically preserved strawberry puree. The strawberry puree, as a dominant semi-product in these juices, had the strongest influence on the aroma profile of the examined juices. The changes of aroma compounds of the juice produced from frozen puree were less significant after 1, 3 and 6 months of storage than the one from the juice produced from aseptically preserved puree. Degradative changes (nonenzymatic browning), as well as a possible influence of the products degradation on the aroma profile, were observed during storage.

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aroma, industrial conditions, juice cocktail, SPME, strawberry