Issue archive
Published: Kem. Ind. 64 (1-2) (2015) 11−17
Paper reference number: KUI-29/2014
Paper type: Original scientific paper
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Gray Correlation Analysis on the Relationship Between Colloidal Structure and Chemical Component of Asphalt Colloid and Performance

Y. B. Lei, X. J. Cao and Y. J. Ding


Asphalt is considered a colloidal material and it is important to study the relationship between its colloidal structure, chemical components and performance. The aromatic nucleus content of asphalt at different depth analysed by attenuated total reflection (ATR) was taken as the index of colloid structure. The gray correlation was used to analyse the relationship between colloidal structure and chemical components of asphalt gel and performance. The results show that the correlation degree between the index of colloidal structure and saturates and resins is high, which proves that saturates and resins play an important role in asphalt colloid structure. With regard to the asphalt performance indexes, the complex modulus G* and the tangent of the phase angle (tan δ) have good correlation with the index of colloidal structure at the temperature of 30 – 70 °C but poor correlation at the temperature of 70 – 90 °C. Low temperature performance has a good correlation with colloid structure index, and tg can better reflect the characteristics of colloidal structure. The analysis shows that the colloidal structure of asphalt is a complex system and it is necessary to use more than one index to characterize the performance.

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asphalt, colloidal structure, gray correlation, chemical component