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Published: Kem. Ind. 59 (7-8) (2010) 379–388
Paper reference number: KUI-22/2008
Paper type: Professional paper
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Material for the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Croatian Analytical Terminology. Part III. Analytical Measurements

V. Grdinić


Presented in this paper are the principles and the starting point for construction of an encyclopaedic dictionary of Croatian terminology in analytical chemistry, as well as in analytics, a recent scientific field. Consequently, the choice, construction, and extent of lexical units for the encyclopaedic dictionary will be determined by adequate scientific and professional criteria. The principles and methods determined and presented in this paper can aid in writing Croatian analytical dictionary and support the efforts in systemizing an encyclopaedic presentation of terms that are of particular significance for analytics. The described principles take into account terminological and linguistic demands. The paper stresses the need for revision of current and non-systemized terminology, adjustment of unavoidable internationalisms in Croatian linguistic standards, and, as analytical chemistry is a science of chemical measurements, adjustment of terminology in existing Croatian standards of metrology and other related areas. Terms from the field of quality assurance of analytical processes that are significant for this type of analytical practice have been systemized. Assurance of analytical quality encompasses: (1) quality control, procedures and actions developed and carried out in order to achieve measurements of required quality; and (2) quality assessment, procedures and actions used to verify that the quality management system is being run within acceptable limits in order to evaluate the quality of analytical data. An encyclopaedic dictionary of 187 terms is also included. This paper systemizes the terms from the field of analytical measurement, which usually determines the relation between measurement properties and measurement quantity. Measurement, errors of measurement, specificity of analytical process, analytical system, and analytical signal are discussed. An encyclopaedic dictionary of 64 terms is also included. An encyclopaedic dictionary of terms has been grouped according to general measurement terms: (1) quantities and units, (2) measurement), (3) measurement results and (4) measuring devices and their characteristics.

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analytical process, analytical system, quantities and units, analytical measurements and measurement errors, measuring devices