Issue archive
Published: Kem. Ind. 60 (9) (2011) 447–457
Paper reference number: KUI-01/2011
Paper type: Review / History of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
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150 Years of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and 125 Years of the Presence of Chemists in the Academy

N. Trinajstić+, S. Paušek-Baždar and V. Flegar


The foundation of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts in 1861 and the role of bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer is described. The first 16 members of the Academy and all its presidents are listed. Only one chemist so far has been president of the Academy; this was Gustav Janeček. The changes in the Academy’s structure and name since its foundation are discussed. The present name – Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts – was used from 1941 to 1945 and since 1991. All full member chemists of the Academy are listed. The scientific journal Rad, published by the Academy since 1867, is briefly presented. Four papers by Dragutin Čeh, published in Rad from 1878 to 1882, are discussed since they are the first papers reporting original research in chemistry in Croatia. All papers by Gustav Janeček published in Rad are also presented. All Janeček’s doctoral students are mentioned with the titles of their theses and dates of doctoral degree.

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Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts, Franjo Rački, first academicians, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, presidents of the Academy, structure of the Academy, chemists members of the Academy, Gustav Janeček, the Academy science journal Rad, chemical papers in Rad, first doctoral theses in Croatia