Published: CABEQ 29 (2) (2015) 183-220
Paper type: Review
M. Novak, M. Koller, G. Braunegg and P. Horvat
The potential of poly(hydroxyalkanoates) (PHAs) to replace conventional plastic
materials justifies the increasing attention they have drawn both at lab-scale and in industrial biotechnology.
The improvement of large-scale productivity and biochemical/genetic properties of
producing strains requires mathematical modeling and process/strain optimization procedures. Current models dealing with structurally diversified PHAs, both structured and unstructured, can be divided into formal kinetic, low-structured, dynamic, metabolic
(high-structured), cybernetic, neural networks and hybrid models; these attempts are
summarized in this review. Characteristic properties of specific groups of models are
stressed in light of their benefit to the better understanding of PHA biosynthesis, and
their applicability for enhanced productivity. Unfortunately, there is no single type of
mathematical model that expresses exactly all the characteristics of producing strains
and/or features of industrial-scale plants; in addition, the different requirements for modelling of PHA production by pure cultures or mixed microbial consortia have to be addressed. Therefore, it is crucial to sophisticatedly adapt and fine-tune the modelling approach accordingly to actual processes, as the case arises. For “standard microbial
cultivations and everyday practices”, formal kinetic models (for simple cases) and
“low-structured” models will be appropriate and of great benefit. They are relatively
simple and of low computational demand.
To overcome the specific weaknesses of different established model types, some
authors use hybrid models. Here, satisfying compromises can be achieved by combining
mechanistic, cybernetic, and neural and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models.
Therefore, this hybrid modelling approach appears to constitute the most promising solution to generate a holistic picture of the entire PHA production process, encompassing all the benefits of the original modelling strategies. Complex growth media require a higher degree of model structuring. For scientific purposes and advanced development of industrial equipment in the future, real systems will be modelled by highly organized hybrid models.
All solutions related to modelling PHA production are discussed in this review.
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cybernetic models, dynamic models, hybrid models, formal kinetic modelling, mathematical modelling, metabolic models, neuronal networks, poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHA)