Published: CABEQ 28 (4) (2014) 531-544
Paper type: Original Scientific Paper

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Modelling and Fuzzy-Decision-Making of Batch Cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae using Different Mixing Systems

M. Petrov and T. Ilkova

This study is focussed on the modelling and fuzzy-decision-making of impulse mixing and vibromixing for a Saccharomyces cerevisiae batch cultivation. Different substrate inhibition models (Monod, Aiba, Andrews, Haldane, Luong, Edward, and Han-Levenspiel) have been considered in order to explain the cell growth kinetics. The results obtained (correlation coefficient, Fisher coefficient, relative error and statistics l) show that all growth rate models are adequate and can be used for modelling. The investigations have shown that the most suitable for both mixing systems (according to the best statistical indicators) is the Luong growth rate model, which will be used for the process modelling. A fuzzy-decision-making procedure is developed with the initial conditions (maximal rotation speed for the impulse mixing and maximal amplitude for the vibromixing systems). The developed optimisation and results obtained have shown that the impulse mixing systems have better productiveness and better glucose assimilation. In addition, it is easier to realize this system.

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impulse mixing, vibromixing, modelling, fuzzy-decision-making, multiple objective optimisation, Pareto optimal solution, fuzzy sets theory