Published: CABEQ 19 (4) (2005) 391–396
Paper type: Original Scientific Paper

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Improvement of the Wastewater Biodegradability by Means of Photocatalytic and Wet Oxidation Processes in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide

N. Genç, A. Arslan and E. Can-Dogan

In this study, the effectiveness of photocatalytic oxidation (PO) and wet oxidation (WO) processes as a pre-treatment step on improvement of biodegradability and colour removal of mixture of raw domestic and pre-treated industrial wastewaters, have been evaluated. More oxygen was obtained by H2O2 (as an oxidant in WO and PO processes) than stoichiometric demand. PO of the wastewater was carried out by illumination of the wastewater with UV lamp (at room temperature, atmospheric pressure, 16.5 h reaction time) and WO of the wastewater was carried out by means of thermal oxidation at autoclave conditions (at 118–120 oC, 1.9–2 bar, 3 h reaction time). 1 g L–1 TiO2 in PO process and 0.2 mg L–1 Cu++ in WO process were used as catalyst. The results obtained from experiments were not compared with each other due to the difference between the quality and quantity of the used catalyst and the consumed energy. Colour removal efficiency was 33 % for WO process and 77.6 % for PO process. By applying WO process, 72.7 % increase in the reaction rate coefficient describing the degradability of organic compounds in wastewater was obtained, but this value was 34.5 % in PO process.

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Wet oxidation, photocatalytic oxidation, biodegradability, colour removal, wastewater, ζBOD5/COD, reaction rate coefficient